The Sexology Clinic at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Lisbon

Patricia Pascoal, Joana Florindo, Joana Raposo, Leonor Oliveira, Ana Beato

Resultado de pesquisa

5 Transferências (Pure)


The Faculty of Psychology in Lisbon has a Sexology Clinical service working half a day per week that is available to the whole community. Its main goal is to deliver highly qualified sexual psychotherapeutic service to people who present sexual problems and difficulties as well as to support research in the field. All people working in our service are qualified in Clinical Psychology. The current study aims to present data from its first 6 years of functioning concerning the socio-demographic characteristics of the patients as well as the main measures used for assessment and research purposes and the main outputs of the research developed. Data was collected after the patients filled in an informed consent form. We received a total of 204 requests. Of this 83 were men, 108 women and 12 were couples. About half of the requests were referred to another specialist (Psychiatrist, Urologist, Gynaecologist, Family therapist). The questionnaires used included measures of personality, psychopathology, satisfaction with life, cognitive distraction, body image, sexual beliefs, sexual functioning, sexual satisfaction, sexual pleasure, relationship satisfaction, sexual self-disclosure. There are more than 10 research outputs linked to the service, including collaboration in research who has received competitive funding. Our experience demonstrates that sex therapy is necessarily a multidisciplinary work and that a service at a university is an important contribution to build a strong bridge between clinical and research work.
Idioma originalInglês
Estado da publicaçãoPublicadas - 2017



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