The role of coping and positivity in shaping mental health among Portuguese informal caregivers

Leonardo Pereira Simões, Teresa Souto, Frederico Silva, Maria José Ferreira

Resultado de pesquisarevisão de pares


The role of informal caregivers is increasingly relevant in the current sociodemographic context, with Portugal having an estimated 1.3 million caregivers. This study explores the relationship between coping strategies, Positive Life Orientation (PLO), and mental health among 133 Portuguese informal caregivers. Using a quantitative, cross-sectional methodology, results show a significant association between specific coping strategies, PLO, and variables related to distress and well-being. PLO and instrumental support positively predict well-being, while duration of care and self-blame and PLO positively predict depression, and positive reappraisal and positivity negatively predict depression. Religion, self-blame, and seeking emotional support are positively associated with anxiety, while religion, self-blame, and seeking emotional support positively predict stress, and positivity negatively predicts stress. PLO emerges as the strongest predictor of well-being. These findings underscore the importance of coping strategies and PLO in understanding informal caregivers' mental health, informing the development of personalized interventions tailored to their unique needs.

Idioma originalInglês
Páginas (de-até)604-613
Número de páginas10
RevistaGeriatric Nursing
Estado da publicaçãoPublicadas - 1 set. 2024

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Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 The Authors

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