The analysis of formation of pollution zones by harmful substances from motor transport by the tests results of atmospheric air of Alma-Ata

Ainur Serikbaevna Begimbetova, Saule Baylyarovna Aidarova, Svetlana Borisovna Lyubchik

Resultado de pesquisarevisão de pares


The article is devoted to a problem of air basin pollution of Alma-Ata city by emissions of polluting substances from motor transport. The results of determination of carbon oxide concentration and nitrogen dioxide in the tests of the atmospheric air which have been selected at intersections of highways and in parking places in different parts of the megalopolis are presented in the work. On the basis of the received results, the analysis on change of concentration of polluting substances depending on removal of a settlement point from sources of emissions is made. The distances are defined at which values of concentration of considered pollutant from motor transport above maximum concentration limit were reached. Dependences are determined on the change of values of average concentration of impurity depending on removal from the intersection of the roads that allow revealing the general tendency of development of studied process.

Idioma originalInglês
Páginas (de-até)354-359
Número de páginas6
RevistaAdvances in Environmental Biology
Número de emissão13
Estado da publicaçãoPublicadas - 2014
Publicado externamenteSim

Nota bibliográfica

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© 2014 AENSI Publisher All rights reserved.

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