Stress Inoculation in Police Officers Using Virtual Reality: A Controlled Study

Pedro Gamito, Jorge Oliveira, Jorge Silva, Joana Rosa, Maria L.R. Mendes, Ricardo Dias, Fábio Dias, Shivani A. Mansuklal, Joana Cartaxo, Hélder António, Ágata Salvador

Resultado de pesquisarevisão de pares

3 Citações (Scopus)


Policing is a highly demanding and stressful profession. Virtual reality (VR) has emerged as a promising tool for enhancing stress management programs, including for police officers. The use of VR in combination with biosensors enables measurement of psychophysiological responses such as peripheral temperature (PT) and skin conductance level (SCL). This study investigated the psychophysiological responses of police officers exposed to a VR scenario simulating a car accident. The study included a total of 63 police officers from the Public Security Police. Participants were divided into three groups based on their police divisions: the Investigation Brigade of Traffic Accidents, the Traffic Surveillance Squad (TSS), and a control group from the Lisbon Metropolitan Command. The results indicated that the VR environment effectively induced psychophysiological arousal, particularly in less experienced officers (TSS), that is, there were significant group differences in mean SCL and PT, showing this group with higher SCL and lower PT during the VR exposure. These results support the potential of VR as a stress inoculation strategy for training police officers and highlight the complex nature of stress responses that are influenced by individual factors and psychopathology.

Idioma originalInglês
Número do artigo4
Páginas (de-até)253-260
Número de páginas8
RevistaCyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking
Número de emissão4
Estado da publicaçãoPublicadas - 1 abr. 2024

Nota bibliográfica

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Copyright 2024, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers.

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