Psychological Well-Being and Climate Change Concerns: Exploring the Role of Psychological Interventions

Carla Alexandra Martins Fonte, Maria José Ferreira

Resultado de pesquisarevisão de pares


Humans have a central influence on environmental conditions in the contemporary period, and climate change is also understood as a human problem, not just an environmental one. As a science focused on exploring individuals’ cognition, behavior, and well-being, psychology is important to analyze human responses to this subject. Considerable research has recognized detrimental physical and mental health impacts from experience to extreme weather events related to climate change. However, more indirect impacts resulting from these changes, gradual and often cumulative evolution, also significantly affect individual and collective behaviors. Psychological well-being and health are closely related. This chapter will discuss the link between climate change, psychological well-being, and the potentiality of psychological interventions using a narrative review methodology. First, it presents the theoretical model of psychological well-being that encompasses six distinct dimensions (Autonomy, Environmental Mastery, Personal Growth, Positive Relations with Others, Purpose in Life, and Self-Acceptance) and then reviews relevant literature that describes how climate change impacts the psychological well-being of individuals. Secondly, recognizing the symbiotic relationship between psychological well-being and climate change concerns, it is analyzed that implementing psychological interventions has become an impactful strategy. Some positive implications of these interventions are discussed, as they can offer valuable tools to empower individuals, promote adaptive behaviors, and cultivate a collective consciousness to address the urgent climate crisis.

Idioma originalInglês
Título da publicação do anfitriãoClimate Change Management
EditoraSpringer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
Número de páginas14
Estado da publicaçãoPublicadas - 2024

Série de publicação

NomeClimate Change Management
VolumePart F3973
ISSN (impresso)1610-2002
ISSN (eletrónico)1610-2010

Nota bibliográfica

Publisher Copyright:
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024.

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