
The present work aims to discuss the so-called “populism” from a triple point of view: 1) That of its examination as an effect of cleavage in the community and in the common (common world and knowledge), as well as the logic of exclusion and segmentation of the social, in the very extent to which it defines itself as negative against others, in an anti-pluralist way; 2) In terms of political thought, as a modality of political opportunism and discursively an empty signifier, through its controversial rationality and as a discursive empty labeling operation; and, finally, 3) From the perspective of the nature of the relationship between populism and the media. From this triple approach, and finally, a fragment of the feedback logic between media and populism is illustratively presented, taking an example from the last presidential election campaign in Portugal, in 2021.

Título traduzido da contribuição“Populism”: a triple analytical perspective
Idioma original???core.languages.pt_BR???
Páginas (de-até)19-35
Número de páginas17
RevistaMedia e Jornalismo
Número de emissão40
Estado da publicaçãoPublicadas - 2022

Nota bibliográfica

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Center for Media Research and Journalism. All rights reserved.


  • common
  • discourse
  • exclusion
  • media populism

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