#MeToo em Portugal: uma análise temática do movimento através de artigos de opinião

Resultado de pesquisarevisão de pares

3 Citações (Scopus)


#MeToo is one of the feminist movements driven by the digital and with glocal expression. Turned viral through Twitter, it quickly gained visibility in traditional media, bringing to the public sphere the discussion of topics related to sexual harassment and violence. Using the public expression of the #MeToo movement in the Portuguese traditional media between 2017 and 2022, and based on a qualitative methodology anchored in a thematic analysis of 91 opinion articles of the newspapers Expresso and Público, this paper aims to comprehend the particularities of the Portuguese context around #MeToo issues and analyze the themes that were highlighted in these spaces. Three major themes arise: Sexual Harassment and Violence; Questioning (re)victimization and normalization; Ambivalence of feminisms in the #MeToo movement. From our findings, the emergence of contradictory discourses about the movement that served to both discredit it and raise public awareness of the problems of sexual harassment and violence stands out. In conclusion, opinion articles have the power to both influence the crystallization of specific positions and the change of attitudes and behaviors in the public sphere due to the authority and legitimacy of those who write opinion pieces in the newspapers and have the ability to thematize the public sphere.

Título traduzido da contribuição#MeToo in Portugal: a thematic analysis of the movement through opinion articles
Idioma original???core.languages.pt_BR???
Páginas (de-até)1-21
Número de páginas21
Número de emissão55
Estado da publicaçãoPublicadas - 2023

Nota bibliográfica

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. All rights reserved.


  • #MeToo
  • Portugal
  • feminisms
  • media
  • opinion

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