Interface and emotions: Exploring the interface dimensions and emotional processes to Interface Design

Andreia Pinto de Sousa, Ana Margarida Pisco Almeida

Resultado de pesquisa

7 Transferências (Pure)


This paper explores the relations between interface dimensions and emo- tions and defines which dimension influences trust and credibility perception. This relation is structured by an Interface analysis framework grounded on five dimensions: visual, information architecture, interaction, social presence, and user experience. This exploration is reasoned in results from a broader study to infer design prin- ciples for credibility and trust. Previous literature in this field revealed that visual design influences credibility and trust processes, but our results show that the visual or aesthetic dimension is not the most influential dimension to trust and credibility perception. Instead, user experience and information architecture were considered the most influential dimensions. Based on these results and considering studies about emotions and digital products, it is possible to propose a relationship between positive emotions and interface dimensions. Our results present a contribution to the field of interface design, trust, and decision-making. They can support prac- tice and future studies, namely in what concerns website design, identifying the most influential Interface dimensions in credibility and trust perceptions (user ex- perience and information architecture), and the positive emotions associated with those dimensions such as kindness, respect, and confidence. Keywords: Interface Design, Emotions Trust, Credibility, eHealth
Idioma originalInglês
Estado da publicaçãoPublicadas - 2021
EventoIPCA – Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave -
Duração: 1 jan. 2021 → …


ConferênciaIPCA – Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave
Período1/01/21 → …

Nota bibliográfica

DIGICOM International Conference on Digital Design & Communication



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