Exploring the Impact of Game-Based Learning on Young People’s News Literacy and Digital Citizenship

Título traduzido da contribuição: Explorando o Impacto da Aprendizagem Baseada em Jogos na Literacia de Notícias e na Cidadania Digital das Pessoas Jovens

Carla Sousa, Ana Oliveira, Cátia Casimiro, João Léste, Havva Yaman

Resultado de pesquisarevisão de pares

1 Citação (Scopus)


In a world flooded with information, the need to promote critical literacy, full digital citizenship, and engagement with the news is becoming a priority. In this context, this Systematic Literature Review aimed to explore the potential impact of Game-Based Learning (GBL) on young people’s understanding and engagement with news consumption and digital citizenship, particularly within the context of societal and cultural diversity. Through the analysis of 33 studies, it was possible to elucidate the significant role of GBL in enhancing News Literacy and digital citizenship skills, tackling disinformation and promoting informed decision-making. Games including simulation, role-playing, and question-based mechanics are the most used to fulfil such educational goals, namely considering the different levels of thinking skills they can foster. Moreover, the results highlight diversity and inclusion as critical concerns, emphasising the need for equitable access and representation in GBL interventions.

Título traduzido da contribuiçãoExplorando o Impacto da Aprendizagem Baseada em Jogos na Literacia de Notícias e na Cidadania Digital das Pessoas Jovens
Idioma originalInglês
Número do artigo14199
RevistaMedia e Jornalismo
Número de emissão45
Estado da publicaçãoPublicadas - 2024

Nota bibliográfica

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© 2024 Instituto de Comunicacao da NOVA. All rights reserved.

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