Does meaning-making mediate COVID-19 restrictions’ impact on grief and psychological symptoms?

João Batista, Sara Albuquerque, Mayra Delalibera, João T. Oliveira, Alexandra Coelho

Resultado de pesquisarevisão de pares


The COVID-19 pandemic imposed substantial restrictions on funeral ceremonies, profoundly affecting grief experiences. This study investigated the mediating role of meaning-making in the relationship between these restrictions and prolonged grief disorder (PGD) symptoms, anxiety, depression, and trauma. A longitudinal study involving 141 bereaved individuals was conducted, with assessments at two time points: 3–6 months (T1) and 9–12 months (T2) post-loss. Structural equation modeling revealed that the psychological impact of restrictions on death and funeral ceremonies had indirect effects on anxiety and prolonged grief symptoms through meaning-making, particularly the footing in the world subscale. These findings underscore the importance of understanding the complex interplay between pandemic-related restrictions and grief experiences, emphasizing the pivotal role of meaning-making in adapting to loss during those challenging times.

Idioma originalInglês
RevistaOmega: Journal of Death and Dying
Estado da publicaçãoPublicadas - 11 out. 2024

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© The Author(s) 2024.

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