Beyond economics: Focusing on the well-being of organizations

Susana Dias, Sílvia Luís

Resultado de pesquisarevisão de pares


With the increasing debate about the sustainability of our actions and the importance of a people-centered development approach, the role of employees has become an emerging topic of high relevance. A study was conducted through interviews with stakeholders. The analyses of the six interviews identified four categories of themes, such as: I) Reasons for the extensive use of economic-financial metrics; II) Shift from the extensive use of economic-financial metrics to complementarity with other metrics; III) Position of companies regarding the measurement of well-being; and IV) Feasibility of applying well-being indices to the business environment. The extensive use of economic-financial metrics is related to knowledge, utility, composition, culture, and time. Shifting is possible with training/education, politics, investigation, entrepreneurship, society, and economic theory. The company's position depends on legislation, indicators, marketing, availability, and external pressure. Finally, standardization and composition are associated with the feasibility of applying well-being indices.

Idioma originalInglês
Título da publicação do anfitriãoDeveloping Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policies for Promoting Employee Sustainability and Well-Being
EditoraIGI Global
Número de páginas21
ISBN (eletrónico)9781668441831
ISBN (impresso)9781668441817
Estado da publicaçãoPublicadas - 3 abr. 2023

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