At the heart of celebrity: Celebrities’ children and their rights in the media

Lidia Marôpo, Ana Jorge

Resultado de pesquisarevisão de pares

7 Citações (Scopus)


Based on a comparative analysis of celebrity magazines in Portugal and Brazil, this article analyses the representation of children of celebrities. Those magazines privilege an extreme personalisation of the stories and a strong valuation of the photographic image, representing children as a source of happiness and affection within the family. Nonetheless, drawing on celebrity studies and on children’s rights and their implications for journalism, we concluded that this positive representation frequently collides with the children’s rights to privacy, to be protected from public embarrassment and to be heard in the issues that affect them.

Idioma originalInglês
Páginas (de-até)17-32
Número de páginas16
RevistaCommunication and Society
Número de emissão4
Estado da publicaçãoPublicadas - 2014
Publicado externamenteSim

Nota bibliográfica

Publisher Copyright:
© 2014 Communication & Society.

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