Animation documentaries and reality cross-boundaries

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Filmmakers aim to deliver some emotional and aesthetic coin to their works, which makes it possible that the boundaries between fiction and documentary genres could be diluted artistically. The documentary is a recognized genre in film studies that is considered to move on one side of the boundary between fact and fiction. Michael Rabiger defends the objectivity and fairness of documentaries due to the expectation of the viewer to accept the photographic image as true (Rabiger, 1998, p. 6). Bill Nichols reinforces this idea evoking that the documentaries that best witness a certain theme are those in which filmmakers “don’t interfere”, classifying them as “observational documentaries”, as the examples from the images captured in World War II or the political TV news (Nichols, 1991, p. 38). Therefore, the challenge that we propose aims to relate the documentary live action characteristics with the animated images, where the veracity is just an animation reflection. To better illustrate the curious fusion of animation and documentary image, we will examine several emergent examples of this new “film genre”.
Idioma originalInglês
RevistaInternational Journal of Film and Media Arts
Estado da publicaçãoPublicadas - 2016



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