Movement gamification for motivating physical activity and fun


Detalhes do projeto


The MOVE4FUN project general objective is to enhance physical activity among adolescents across Europe via innovative, evidence based content offered in form of a mobile application. According to WHO, 81% of adolescents aged 11-17 are not sufficiently active. The decline in levels of physical activity is progressing fast and despite many efforts by national agencies there is no success in reversing that trend. Recently, a new WHO guidance has been published which entailed that any engagement in physical activity is better than none. This is an important change as it shifts focus from highly structured interventions with programs for exercising and gives an opportunity to offer more engaging and more autonomous support to enhance physical activity.

Project MOVE4FUN employs that approach offering a bridging between evidence based content and fun, game based programs offered in a mobile application. Mobile applications have been recently showed to be supportive for engaging in physical activity among adolescents while game based content was associated with higher levels of physical activity. Social inclusion is also an important goal for the current project as it gives opportunity for reaching out to larger population whether it is due to localisation and lack of adequate infrastructure or due to unusual epidemic restrictions. Hence an international approach with a cooperation of world class experts with experienced researchers is a promising consortium set-up to achieve projects’ goals. The project is design to achieve three goals in a logical, evidence based approach. Firstly, literature review will be carried to establish the baseline picture for the current state of physical activity among adolescents. Secondly, a research will be carried to fill the gaps and to establish the physical activity levels among adolescents in participating countries. Our project promotes the increase of capacity and professionalism when working at EU/international level.
Data de início/fim efetiva30/04/2230/04/25

Parceiros colaborativos

  • Universidade Lusófona (líder)
  • Institute of Sport
  • Cuicui Studios S.L.
  • Stichting European Network for Innovation and Knowledge

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