Detalhes do projeto


FilmEU+ is the next stage in the European Universities Alliance for Film and Media Arts consolidation towards the deepening, expansion and intensification of the existing cooperation. The current project will advance ongoing cooperation and transformations involving all higher education institutions (HEIs) participating in the Alliance, towards the consolidation of a fully-fledged ‘European University of Film and Media Arts’. FilmEU+ builds on the Alliance' previous efforts and results and will continue to test diverse innovative and structural models for implementing and achieving systemic, structural and sustainable cooperation between participant HEIs. FilmEU + is an association of eight leading HEIs from across the member states and all parts of Europe. FilmEU fully represents Europe’s geographical, cultural and linguistic differences, but also the diversity and richness of its European Higher Education Area. What began as four partners during the design phase will now enlarge into an Alliance of eight partners in order to promote a much stronger, richer and more diverse partnership of eight like-minded institutions. We start from a clear disciplinary focus – namely the film and media arts, and now move to embrace the varied domains that the cultural and creative industries encompass. With FilmEU+ we want to consolidate our manifold but complementary programmes in filmic arts and other diverse but related fields across the cultural and creative industries, in order to further advance the positioning of Europe as a cutting- edge global provider of education, research and innovation in these domains. With FilmEU+ we want to fully attain all features of the new framework for cooperation set out in the European Strategy for Universities. This means we will make our European University concrete via its European degrees, joint structures and resources, and research initiatives that are supported and impelled by a legal statute that mutualises our strengths and empowers our institutions and the next generation of talents within the cultural and creative sectors in Europe. With FilmEU+ we foster sustainability, cohesion, entrepreneurship, employment, and, importantly, innovation and creativity as core constituents when shaping the future of Europe.
Data de início/fim efetiva31/10/2331/10/27

Parceiros colaborativos

  • Universidade Lusófona (líder)
  • Tallinn University
  • LUCA School of Arts
  • Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology
  • VIA University College
  • FilmEU Association

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da ONU

Em 2015, os estados membros da ONU acordaram 17 Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) globais para acabar com a pobreza, proteger o planeta e garantir a prosperidade para todos. O projeto contribui para o(s) seguinte(s) ODS:

  • ODS 9 - Indústria, inovação e infraestrutura
  • ODS 17 - Parcerias para os objetivos

Impressão digital

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