Detalhes do projeto


ETIKETA will promote the design and test of transnational cooperation instruments based on proposed co-created European criteria, for the delivery of a joint European degree label for joint transnational higher education programmes. ETIKETA builds on the consortium's experience in the promotion of the European University FilmEU and several existing joint degrees led by the Higher Education institutions (HEIs) involved in this and in other Alliances. ETIKETA integrates an Alliance of HEIs and several national authorities and stakeholders, in view of testing and developing a label for European joint degrees that recognises the value of these innovative transnational learning experiences and increases the visibility, attractiveness, and reputation of joint programmes provided by alliances of European HEIs, both in Europe and beyond. ETIKETA includes several research and design stages, amidst moments of joint reflection and public sharing of results, in order to ensure the production of outcomes of the proposed pilot that will facilitate the delivery of a joint European degree label and the provision of joint degrees by European HEIs. ETIKETA builds on strong past experience in this domain and an innovative concept and methodology in order to attain outcomes that will facilitate and promote the future provision of European Joint Degrees.
Data de início/fim efetiva31/03/2330/04/24

Parceiros colaborativos

  • Universidade Lusófona (líder)
  • IADT - Institute of Art, Design, + Technology Lún Laoghaire
  • Tallinn University
  • LUCA School of Arts
  • Aalto University
  • FilmEU Association
  • NVAO
  • EQ Art

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