Detalhes do projeto


In contemporary societies, increasingly diversified with multiplied social, economic, and cultural variations, digital technology is more than ever fused together with and through daily life. There is a pressing need to reduce socio-digital inequalities in the context of a highly digitalized working life and welfare services. At the same time, there is a knowledge gap about how youth in disadvantaged situations, such as those in NEET situations (not in education, employment, or training), can take advantage of their own digital practices. Through four interconnected work packages, this study contributes to filling this gap. It investigates ways in which migrant NEET youth (15-29 years old) employ strategies and experience struggles to reach favorable outcomes from their digital practices in: a) the migrant NEET youths’ everyday life (WP1), b) a family context (WP2), and c) interaction with public welfare services (WP3).
Data de início/fim efetiva15/01/2428/02/27

Parceiros colaborativos

  • Universidade Lusófona
  • NORCE Norwegian Research Centre (líder)
  • Stiftinga Vestlandsforsking
  • The Open University of Japan

Impressão digital

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