Acquisition and Modification of Hierarchically Nanostructured Oxide Active Materials for Advanced Biological Gas Sensor Project


Detalhes do projeto


The project represents a pioneering endeavor in the realm of gas sensor development, harnessing the latest advancements in powder nanotechnologies and adopting a holistic, multidisciplinary scientific approach. By pushing the boundaries of current sensor capabilities, the project aims to create a new generation of gas sensors that excel in sensitivity and response time, outperforming existing prototypes. Through the intricate integration of multiparametric signal processing algorithms and state-of-the-art nano powder metal-oxide sensors, the project endeavors to fabricate miniature devices akin to an "Electronic Nose." These devices will not only mimic the sophisticated capabilities of biological analogs but also exhibit a high level of component integration, setting new standards in sensor technology. Furthermore, the project's scope extends beyond mere sensor development. It envisions the creation of a novel global security system, leveraging the envisioned sensors embedded within mobile communication devices. This innovative system holds the promise of revolutionizing security measures by enabling highly localized detection of various threats, including epidemic outbreaks, fires, and terrorist activities. As a culmination of these efforts, the project aims to generate patentable outcomes, ranging from novel sensor materials to groundbreaking analytical methodologies. These outcomes have the potential to drive significant advancements not only in sensor technology but also in the broader fields of security and public health monitoring.

Layman's description

E-NOSE aims to develop next-generation gas sensors using cutting-edge nanotechnology: highly sensitive and fast 'Electronic Nose' devices.
Data de início/fim efetiva1/10/2430/09/28

Parceiros colaborativos

  • Universidade Lusófona
  • University of Novi Sad (líder)
  • Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University (null)
  • NanoPhoenix - Nanotechnologies for Life Sciences (null)
  • Institute of Materials Science Of Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences (null)
  • Institute of Radiation Problems of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (null)
  • Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Sports Medicine (null)

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da ONU

Em 2015, os estados membros da ONU acordaram 17 Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) globais para acabar com a pobreza, proteger o planeta e garantir a prosperidade para todos. O projeto contribui para o(s) seguinte(s) ODS:

  • ODS 3 - Boa saúde e bem-estar
  • ODS 9 - Indústria, inovação e infraestrutura

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