Vender empoderamento, compartimentar sexo : um estudo sobre o impacto das construções de empoderamento feminino, em publicidade, nas mulheres portuguesas

  • Joana Catarina Francisco e Sousa

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The present research aims to understand what do Portuguese women perceive as empowerment, especially sexual, and compare it to a few empowerment constructions found in Portuguese women’s magazines advertising, as well as unravel if those constructions contribute for a sexual empowerment of the female image. To this end, we applied a questionnaire survey which we analyzed in a qualitative manner. Our results indicate that the empowerment constructions described by Rosalind Gill (2008) and Naomi Wolf (1991), according to our respondents, do not represent nor encourage their own sexual power but does sexually empower an “ideal woman”.
Date of Award2020
Original languagePortuguese
SupervisorCRISTINA ALEXANDRA FIGUEIREDO SANTOS (Supervisor) & Daniel Cardoso (Supervisor)


  • TID:202683621

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