Um estudo sobre a relação entre os tipos motivacionais de valores e o desempenho escolar de alunos do IFAM-campus Manaus Zona Leste

  • Miriam Nunes Pereira Barbosa

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The present study investigates the main motivational types of students who attend one year at IFAM - Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Amazonas - Manaus Campus East Zone, and the relationship with the academic performance of students. Was based on Schwartz (2006) and Tamayo (2007) show that the motivational types of values as universal values and organizational. The research has a descriptive exploratory approach as it has the purpose of providing an overview about certain fact. It is considered the first stage of research, we know where the object of study as presented, their meanings and the context in which it operates. The sample consists of six classes of the course of the first series of technical vocational education represented by seventy-five students. Data were collected through questionnaires for quantitative analysis with variables that describe the characteristics of a population. For the tabulation of statistical software was used ABD Windows SPSS and EXCEL spreadsheet. It was found that the IFAM - Manaus Campus East Zone is a place where students from more distant sites of Amazon and even some neighboring states come in search of knowledge in the field of agriculture. In the opinion of the surveyed physical space, full time, financial difficulties, the distance of the relatives interfere in the learning process. Likewise argue that the motivational types that characterize lheir options, interfere with school performance.
Date of Award2012
Original languagePortuguese
SupervisorRita Filomena Andrade Januário Bettini (Supervisor) & Maria Neves Leal Gonçalves (Supervisor)



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