Burnout is a syndrome, usually considered by the literature as one of subjective well-being
indicators. It is considered as a type of work stress. This study reflects the Burnout syndrome
in a sample of 44 teachers from High School and College in Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará. Data
collection used the Inventory Burnout Maslash (IBM) and the Labour Satisfaction Scale
Martins and Santos. The information was complemented by a semi-structured interview,
containing sociodemographic information, like gender, age, religion, number of workplaces,
working the night shift, among others. The method involved quantitative data analysis using
SPSS statistical software, version 11.5.The results showed alarming rates in high levels of
emotional exhaustion (31.8%) and also high (18.2%) in depersonalization. These are warning
signs in terms of potential worsening of the Burnout syndrome in these professionals. In terms
of Work Satisfaction, the sample showed high levels of satisfaction, with professional
recognition; with the social utility of the organization and the work itself; the affective
relationship at work and satisfaction with the professional support. They showed
dissatisfaction on factors: Professional overload and lack of psychosocial support. The study
concluded that there seems to be some relation between Burnout syndrome found and the
dissatisfaction mentioned factors of the satisfaction scale study work. Despite of a huge chunk
of Teachers present considerable levels possibility of Burnout syndrome are amenable to
- TID:202260534
Síndrome de burnout e satisfação laboral em professores no Juazeiro do Norte
Câmpelo, M. P. S. (Author). 2019
Student thesis: Master's Thesis