This report displays plans, projects, balances and considerations regarding the pedagogical
practice throughout the pedagogical internship.
In the area of Teaching, significant improvements were achieved in the priority learning of
students. The relevance of the specific project, “Cooperative Learning in Dance”, in
addition to having contributed to the development of students' interpersonal relationships,
should be noted that for students with special educational needs, it was seen as a
socialization mechanism and an instrument of inclusion.
In the area of Class Management, it is possible to state that the functions of a DT assistant
were successfully fulfilled, with considerable improvements being made throughout the
school year in terms of unjustified absences and consecutive absences in learning
My contribution through the project “Bullying and Social Exclusion”, based on the theory
of planned behavior, allowed students to reflect and change their intention. For this, they
were submitted to an experiential activity in the context of a practical Physical Education
class, in which they played different roles. The outcome of this activity was clearly
manifested in the subsequent reflection, evidencing the achievement of previously
established objectives. The expansion of this project to the Field Trip, made it possible to
establish a parallel between the phenomenon of bullying and the preservation of the
environment, represented in the reflection carried out in the natural environment, reinforcing
the relevance of the theme and environmental conservation.
In terms of School Sports, I assumed the leadership of the volleyball group team, noting
significant improvements in terms of student learning. Regarding the specific project entitled
“Competition in ladder structure”, it allowed to increase the competitive frequency, in a
more educational way, establishing a reliable methodology to classify students according to
their level of performance. However, I emphasize that this tournament was held at the end
of each didactic unit, constituting a moment of formative evaluation, depending on the
objectives outlined in each unit.
In the seminar, I investigated the theme “Assessment Criteria”, primarily aiming to
recognize the importance of its definition, as a factor that enhances collective commitment
and as an agent that promotes internal coherence in the evaluation of Physical Education,
applying the procedures of action research, which allows as an intern contribute, to
changing the school's paradigms and culture.
Keywords: Cooperative learning, interdisciplinarity, experiential activity, competition,
collective commitment
- TID:203442547
Relatório de estágio pedagógico de educação física realizado na Escola Secundária Madeira Torres
Martinho, B. A. (Author). 2023
Student thesis: Master's Thesis