This report is part of the pedagogical internship, present on the 2nd year’s syllabus of the Master’s Degree in Teaching Physical Education in Primary and Secondary Education, realized in the school year 2016-2017 at Escola Secundária Madeira Torres.
During this report, I try to take a reflexive and critical approach on what I consider to be the most relevant, analyze the planning strategies used, the methodological options assumed, the behaviors adopted by me as a teacher, the students’ behaviors and the achieved transformations, either by the professor either by the students.
I pretend to expose all the methods and strategies that were adopted my me, naming the strengths and the weaknesses of the classes, such as of the all activities realized during the year.
This report presents all the reflections of the four areas of pedagogical intervention (Teaching, Class Direction, School Sports and Seminars).
The pedagogical internship is not only about classes, although these are the most relevant of the learning process, mainly because of its practical and real character where the intern professor is in constant adaptation and reformulation due to the challenges and problems found in the process.
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Relatório de estágio de educação física realizado na Escola Secundária Madeira Torres
Prazeres, M. F. M. P. R. (Author). 2017
Student thesis: Master's Thesis