The present research aims to sketch an analytical approach to videogame adaptations
within the following three fields of reference: film studies, game studies and adaptation
studies. Videogame adaptations are posited as liminal works that have enjoyed scarce
academic interest.
The investigation’s main task is to analyze how videogame adaptations have the
power to alter our comprehension of the two media in question (cinema and videogames). A
great number of their foundational characteristics, both industrial, technological and
aesthetical point towards the increasingly fragile barriers between “closed” narrative and
“open” interaction. Is it appropriate to distinguish between a spectator and a videogame player
based on the passivity of the first as opposed to the activity of the second? Are the arbitrariety
and agency conferred to a videogame player really antithetical to film narration? Is realism a
prerogative of cinema, or might it characterize videogames, as well?
These issues become relevant in the theoretical framework of cinema, videogames
ando of adaptation itself, forcing us to redefine some of its fundemantal assumptions.
Similarly, this theoretical redefinition could inform a new approach to videogame adaptations
in terms of writing, production and directing.
- TID:201329484
Propositadamente incoerente:estudo das adaptações dos videojogos para o cinema
Wassermann, J. (Author). 2016
Student thesis: Master's Thesis