Processos identitários de docentes universitários: espaço e tempo da formação

  • Jônia Tírcia Parente Jardim Albuquerque

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The globalized world causes changes of contexts and behaviors which generate demands and reflect on the role that the university professor has within a social space, which is the cultural university. Being part of this social group requires training, constituting new identities and driving of an idea: the teacher must adapt to the role of teaching and education in today's world. The objective was to understand the course of training of university teachers the implications on the construction of teacher identity. To address the goals the choice was the qualitative research approach using the (auto)biographical. The approach (auto)biographical been over three decades built in the context of adult education and a procedure called " life history in the making, where its dynamics and inspiration are based mainly on the works of Marie Josso-Christine (2004, 2010). Were narrated life stories of four university professors belonging to the faculty of the State University Valley Acaraú in Sobral-Ce. The narrative analysis were in accordance with the steps of collecting proposals for Josso (2004, 2010) and we realize that research on the processes of formation of these university professors, from listening to their life stories, allowed me to feel the frailty, mobility and plurality of identities constructed over the life of each teache.
Date of Award2014
Original languagePortuguese
SupervisorFiladélfia Carvalho de Sena (Supervisor) & Maria Neves Leal Gonçalves (Supervisor)



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