Preservação de fertilidade em pessoas transgénero e não binárias: estudo sobre os fatores promotores de tomada de decisão

  • Ana Glória Barros Pinto

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Few studies have explored parenting intentions in transgender and non-binary people. Although these evidence that the constitution of a family is important, the importance of biological parenting and fertility preservation (PF) is not clear. This cross-sectional study seeks to know the desires and intentions of parenting and explore the factors associated with decision-making in relation to PF in transgender people. Participants were 69 transgender and non-binary people, aged between 18 and 39 years. The domains evaluated were: 1) future parenting projects; 2) knowledge about PF options; 3) influence of family support in the decision-making process; 4) presence of psychopathological symptomatology and 5) environment and family relationships. The results showed that half of the participants would like to be able to perform PF. The formation of a family proved to be important, but having a genetic relationship was not an essential factor in the decision of parenting. The participants seemed to favor adoption as the preferred method to achieve parenthood. The discomfort of PF procedures proved to be a significant factor for performing PF. The results of this study allowed us to analyze the parental intentions and the valorization of PF, suggesting some guidelines for future investigations. Keywords: fertility preservation, gender dysphoria, quantitative study, reproductive health, decision-making process
Date of Award2023
Original languagePortuguese
SupervisorMariana Costa Brandão de Moura Ramos (Supervisor)


  • TID:203433670

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