Práticas educacionais de inclusão na percepção dos docentes e discentes ciganos e não ciganos na EEEFM Celso Mariz em Sousa-PB

  • Inalva Bezerra Nery

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988 preaches that all are equal before the law, and presupposes the obligation of providing free basic education for all Brazilians between the ages of 7 and 14, independent of sex, ethnicity, or race. To this end, the State has been creating public policies in the educational context in such a way as to embrace the entire population and minority groups. In Brazil, gypsy groups constitute a minority group that is really forgotten and stigmatised. It was thinking of this minority that led us to investigate how the educational practices occur in the perception of gypsy and non-gypsy teachers and students in the Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental e Médio Celso Mariz in Sousa, State of Paraíba (EEEFM: a state primary and secondary school). The general aim of the research is to identify in the perception of the gypsy and non-gypsy teachers and students of the educational practices that exist in the Celso Mariz EEEFM in Sousa, Paraíba. The methodology used is of a qualitative quantitative kind. The population for research consisted of 31 teachers and 560 students, from whom were chosen according to the criterion of accessibility 22 teachers and 360 students. The instrument used was a questionnaire with 20 closed questions, with 10 for each group (teachers and students). The results obtained point suggest that not always do teachers and students have a clear perception of what inclusive education consists of. As regards educational practices, with regard to what the teachers and the students responded as carried out in the school. However, as far as educational practices and valorisation of the gypsy ethnicity are concerned, these are not perceived by the teachers and by a significant number of students who noted that only rarely or never they occurred.
Date of Award2022
Original languagePortuguese
SupervisorOSCAR CONCEIÇÃO DE SOUSA (Supervisor)


  • TID:203198891

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