Percepção discente em relação ao uso das tecnologias de informação e comunicação na sua formação em fisioterapia

  • Jacqueline Evani dos Santos Souza Lima

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The formal educational process undergoes continuous changes due to the adaptation of technologies associated with the learning process, making it increasingly more interactive and constructive. The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in higher education is a strategy that improves the effectiveness of training of physical therapy professionals through the use of different tools that facilitate learning from the point-of-view of the students. This study aims to support this claim in relation to the effectiveness of ICT in higher learning by identifing the perceptions of students taking a course on Physiotherapy at the University of Campina Grande in Paraiba, Brazil. This case study is exploratory and descriptive in nature and is classified as Quali-Quantitative. The study group consisted of students from several morning and night classes taking the Bachelor of Physiotherapy course. The instrument used to collect data was a questionnaire consisting of both closed and open-ended questions. For open questions, the content analysis technique was used. Closed questions were either evaluated using descriptive statistics or were stored and analyzed for trends using Excel Software. The analysis results showed that 80% of the study subjects are single women between 18 and 23 who have a computer and often access the internet with their smartphones for various reasons including academic and professional research, entertainment and for personal communication. In this study, both positive and negative aspects were presented that, from the perspective of the participants, should be considered for the use of ICT in the training of physiotherapists.
Date of Award2016
Original languagePortuguese
SupervisorDulce Franco (Supervisor)


  • TID:201540673

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