This work aims to report strategies used in the learning of Mathematics and English
Language, with students of the High School of the Doctor Jose Iran Costa School, Várzea
Alegre, Ceará, where it was used as methodologies: to relate mathematical knowledge,
involving games of the Language disciplines English and Mathematics. In English Language,
through interdisciplinarity that has a vast and rich material of studies related to these
disciplines, aiming to lead students to take an interest in this science, starting to see it as an
instrument to understand and act in this reality, from the dialogue, the interaction between
students and the appreciation of each one's ability, being shared, but also pleasantly. For this
research were observed two groups of students, each group was composed of 10 (ten)
students where some worked with games and others with no games. The theoretical support
was based on studies by Aranha (2006), Skovsmose (2010), Freie (2011), Farm (2013),
Oliveira and Kishimoto (2014), Almeida Filho (2015), Philippi Jr (2015), among others
specialists in Mathematics, Education, English Language Teaching, interdisciplinarity and
games. The instruments used to collect the data were to the observations in the most varied
forms of work in the field with the games being their confection and application to the
activities of analysis and collective intervention of the performance in the evaluation activities
and diagnosis with teachers of the two disciplines. The data analysis revealed a significant
increase in the school performance of the group that studied from the games in their
respective disciplines. In this sense, this study emphasizes the importance of exploring
Mathematics with other disciplines, so that the student understands that Mathematics is
present in everything and that it is necessary for life in society and for understanding the
world. And that it is possible to overcome difficulties when there is integrated participation of
all, and that interdisciplinarity allows to go beyond balancing the means of English and
Mathematics, building autonomy, personal and collective development, and that everyone is
able to build with their skills.
- TID:202424073
Os jogos de língua inglesa como meio facilitador para a interdisciplinaridade no ensino médio e profissional no Ceará : estudo de um caso
Oliveira, H. G. D. (Author). 2019
Student thesis: Master's Thesis