O papel dos jogos nas atividades da matemática

  • Emiliana Alves de Barros

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This study aims to investigate the appropriation (conception and use) of the game with rules, organized by the teacher in the elementary grades to favor school mathematical learning. In view of all the obstacles presented in the relationship of contemporary education, it is necessary to adopt resources and methodologies that facilitate the capture of learning. In the scope of this research, the interest turns to the pedagogical game, more specifically, to the game in the teaching of mathematics. It is a different way for the student to learn the mathematical postulates, solidly and effectively consolidating their knowledge. It also allows for concentration, organization and improvement of critical sense and logical reasoning. From a didactic point of view, using games allows the development of classes with a higher rate of interest on the part of students, as they are more pleasant and attractive. The research subjects were students of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades of elementary school, performing activities of pedagogical intervention with games of mathematical dominoes. The data were analyzed and the results showed the process triggered in the construction of the mathematical procedures and concepts, by the subjects, in problem situations of the game. With the use of games, students had access to the understanding of calculations, facilitating the agility of reasoning, being able to perform them by involving the commutative properties of multiplication, in solving written problems and in arguing the four operations.
Date of Award2022
Original languagePortuguese
SupervisorOSCAR CONCEIÇÃO DE SOUSA (Supervisor)


  • TID:202984982

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