The school is an institution made up of subjects and processes, and, for it to function properly, it is
important that the team of professionals, including school management and teachers, develop actions
to achieve results (Silveira & Coelho, 2018). Thus, the objective of the study was to investigate the
practices of the school manager that contribute to the quality ofteaching and learning of students in
the 5th year of Elementary School in public schools in Sobral-CE. For the theoretical basis, the
literature of authors such as Oliveira and Ferri (2013); Souza and Ribeiro (2017); Paro (1987);
Bogdan and Biklen, S. (2010), Haydt (2008); Luckesi (2013); Paro (2009); Paschoalino (2018); Luck
(2009); Libâneo (2018) and Sampaio (2006), among others who also composed the study. Regarding
the procedures, the study is of a qualitative nature, where a script of questions was applied to
managers and teachers of schools in the municipal network of Sobral-Ce in the first half of 2022. The
main results indicate that most managers they are pedagogues, as well as teachers. The main practices
adopted by managers consist of monitoring the performance of teachers in the classroom, articulating
resources to enable the proper functioning of the school, especially with regard to pedagogical work,
as well as making the school a welcoming environment, encouraging participation and the motivation
of professionals. In terms of students, the objective is to arouse interest in learning, enabling means
and strategies that ensure the quality of theteaching process. With respect to parents, maintain a good
relationship between family and school, in order to facilitate student learning. With regard to
continuing education, an essentialelement for good educational practices, both managers and teachers,
for the most part, have effective participation in training courses offered by the Department of
Education. They also recognize that only an academic degree is not enough for the good exercise of
the profession. On the other hand, when it is identified that the results of the classes are lower than
expected, there is a collective effort between teachers and management to leverage better results: in
some cases, individual monitoring of students is carried out, or else, the school promotes differentiated
activities to stimulate the student's interest in learning, through strategies that promote improvements
in the teaching-learning process. Thus, it is concluded that the school manager acts as an observer of
the teaching-learning process, as well as a mediator, articulating actions that facilitate the promotion
of quality in education, while the role of the teacher is to mediate knowledge with the students,
resorting to the most varied strategies that reach everyone, regardless of social and learning condition.
- TID:203361032
O gestor escolar e sua contribuição para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem dos alunos das séries iniciais das escolas da rede municipal de Sobral
Aragão, M. D. P. A. (Author). 2023
Student thesis: Master's Thesis