Metodologia webquest : uma estratégia para a aprendizagem da disciplina de filosofia no 9.º ano de escolaridade

  • Hayla Francisca Ferreira Viana Moura

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


WebQuest is a research-oriented activity in which some, or all, of the information the students need comes from Word Wide Web resources. The research aims to investigate how the WebQuest methodological strategy enables a better learning outcome in the face of the traditional class. In this context, an investigation was carried out to assess the impact of this methodology on learning, building and validating a WebQuest on the theme “The Social Classes: origin and development” that was worked on in the Philosophy discipline, with students from 9th year of a federal public school, in the city of São Luís-MA (Brazil). The experimental research took place in two classes of elementary school (control and experimental class). For data collection, two questionnaires were applied, the first referring to the characterization of the target group of the research and the second about the experience with the WebQuest methodology and the knowledge acquired. An interview was held with the professor of Philosophy in classes A (using WebQuest) and B (traditional teaching). The results allowed us to verify that the WebQuest methodology is an important methodological resource in the teaching-learning process because it allows the student to use technological resources to learn and research about Philosophy in a more dynamic, meaningful way and at their
Date of Award2022
Original languagePortuguese
SupervisorDulce Franco (Supervisor) & Dulce Franco (Supervisor)


  • TID:203110170

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