To ensure improvement in the quality of leadership is one of the major challenges in the educational field, in order to improve quality of the school of the XXI century. In this sense, the OECD has been encouraging a number of international actions aimed to improve the activity of school leadership. Thus, one of the main concerns of the countries of the European community lies in improving the recruitment of school principals and consequently the establishment of professional standards of leadership competencies.
In this context, the present study aimed to identify the skills and strategies that a group primary and secondary school teachers from different geographic areas of the country deems essential for the leadership task, as well as the construction of a framework Leadership role for the role of Director in Portugal.
The present investigation was mainly based on a large number of reports prepared by the OECD, which include reference frameworks for leadership in schools in several countries, and the theoretical framework of several authors, such as:Harris, Leithwood, Day, Woods, Hallinger and Elmore, among others, which served as the basis for the construction of the questionnaire.
The results of the study showed that teachers feel that the School Principal should be accountable to the entire school community, building on the core values of leadership, maintaining a safe and healthy working environment, developing a culture of successful learning, as well as, it should implement a shared vision of management in a collaborative way. It was also confirmed that teachers recognize the dimensions, Strategic orientation, vision and mission, Teaching and learning process, Interpersonal relations and development, Organization and resource management, Accountability and accountability and Community Relations and Contexts as the standard leadership framework essential to the current duties of the school principal.
- TID:101604459
Liderança na escola de hoje competências essenciais à liderança do diretor de escola
Pessoa, C. M. P. (Author). 2018
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis