Ensinar a imaginar
: o imaginário como ferramenta pedagógica no processo de ensino-aprendizagem para o desenvolvimento artístico do aluno

  • Vanda Patrícia Cintra Brazona

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Children's creative processes involve the development of psychological processes, with
imagination emerging as one of the primary characteristics. In this context, art can play a
determinant role in stimulation of imagination.
This report reflects the results of an action-research project, developed at the Dom Martinho
Castelo Branco Basic School in Portimão, in the context of the Supervised Teaching Practice
(PES) in the master’s degree in visual arts, during the 2022/23 school year.
Given the relevance of imagination in artistic development, the study aimed to introduce a
pedagogical tool to analyze the dynamics between the development of imagination and the artistic
process, highlighting the potential of this interaction as an enriching means for students' learning.
The research focuses on the creative process, highlights its potential and emphasizes the role of
the adult as an element that encourages imagination.
In this sense, a project was implemented with an eighth-grade class, incorporating imaginative
pedagogical strategies, which took place in four sequential stages, in each proposed activity. The
methodology applied was based on the four phases of Kolb's Experiential Learning Cycle: feeling,
observing, thinking and doing, in parallel with Storytelling, which was evidently reflected in each
of the activities developed.
This is a qualitative methodology that sought to elucidate the impact on students' creativity when
challenged to explore their imagination, especially in the context of experimentation and artistic
creation. Using qualitative methodologies, such as observing classes, recording images of the
work and analyzing imagined stories, conclusive data was obtained that met the objectives of this
research. The analysis of the data revealed that the integration of different imaginative
experiences boosted the development of imagination, while simultaneously promoting the
development and artistic creation of the students.
Key words: Imaginary, imagination, learning, creativity, artistic expression, stories.
Date of Award2024
Original languagePortuguese
SupervisorOSCAR CONCEIÇÃO DE SOUSA (Supervisor)


  • ART

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