The present study deals with the possibility of qualification, work and permanence of Autazense in the Municipality referring to the process of formation of the teachers in the "Distance Education" a contribution in the personal and professional formation of the student, the research aims to understand how the Education Distance Learning (DE) in the Municipality of Autazes-Am, benefits Autazense in its qualification and vocational training in Higher Education. The research also seeks to investigate the subject of distance education in order to clarify how the process of formation of the student occurs and its contribution to the training of qualified professionals prepared to offer quality education in a public institution in the municipality of Autazes. This study included 05 members of the administrative technical coordination, 05 teachers of the course in question and students from college Y. The instrument was the use of closed questionnaires and standardized interviews. The data analyzed showed that distance education in personal and vocational training, brings numerous contributions including skills and abilities essential to the life of those who choose this type of education. Therefore, it can be said that DE can be a teaching model that contributes to the training of students within the teaching environment.
- TID:202413373
Educação a distância no Município de Autazes-AM, zona urbana : uma possibilidade de qualificação, trabalho e permanência do autazense no município
Cruz, J. D. M. (Author). 2019
Student thesis: Master's Thesis