Do livro didático à leitura literária : mediação e receção na formação do leitor da educação de jovens e adultos

  • Jeanne Sousa da Silva

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


This research entitled “FROM THE TEXTBOOK TO LITERARY READING: mediation and reception in the formation of the EJA’s reader”, in light of the assumptions of the Aesthetics of Reception, aimed to investigate the approach of the existing literary texts in the textbook and the process of teaching mediation of this resource at EJA, and based on the results obtained present didactic-pedagogical intervention, for the reading of the literary text, with a central focus on the reader. In the methodological aspect, the research is of qualitative approach of a case study, aggregating qualitative and quantitative instruments and techniques. To collect data, the instruments elected were the interview, carried out with teachers and the questionnaire applied with the students of the High School: “Cidade de São Luís”, a school located in the capital of the State of Maranhão – Brazil. The participant observation was also a valuable instrument of apprehension of the reality in the classrooms of EJA I, because together with the other instruments it echoed the voices of the research subjects and with them a greater perception of their context and experience in school. Within this course, a theoretical reference was also used, focused on three different subjects, but which are coherent in their discursive nature: the literary literacy; the formation of the mediating teacher and the textbook. This approach was necessary because of the intended proposal, since the formation of the reader is understood from a mediating practice focused on critical literacy, having as its main source of reading the literary text, which in this case, was analyzed in the textbook support. The intervention used as a parameter the receptional method, developed by professors Maria da Glória Bordini and Vera Teixeira de Aguiar (1993), in which the reading of the literary text follows some defined steps, based on the theory of Aesthetics of Reception by Hans Robert Jauss (1994), they are: the determination of the horizons of reading, the attendance of the horizon, the questioning and the rupture of the initial horizon and, finally, the widening of the horizons of reading of the reader. However, different from the research carried out by the aforementioned professors, the intervention developed in this study used as an object the literary texts contained in the textbook aimed at EJA I, with the intention of presenting the effectiveness of the receptional method in EJA classes, showing that the textbook can be an excellent literary literacy material in the hands of teachers who perceive its practice as a significant instrument, based on acts of mediation and transformation, in which the reader occupies a central place.
Date of Award2023
Original languagePortuguese
SupervisorMaria Neves Leal Gonçalves (Supervisor)


  • TID:101739958

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