Reading is more than owning a Rico wealth of strategies and techniques. Reading is
above all a voluntary activity and enjoyable, and when we read we should take that into
account. The children and teachers should be motivated to learn and teach reading.
(SOLÉ, 1998, p. 90) This research was conducted with the aim of identifying the main
factors of malpractice that interfere with the learning of reading and writing of the
students of the third year of elementary school, held between August to October 2018,
to verify the learning disabilities and identify the theory of double route in students '
reading at the end of teaching block. As theoretical, literacy studies, reading and writing
treated by Magda Soares, Arthur Gomes de Morais, Emilia Ferreiro, Ana Teberosky,
Isabel Solé, as well as the contributions of Angela Pike, Claudia Justi and Moti Salles.
As a contribution to the discussion of the characteristics of words to identify the route.
The survey was conducted using four methodological tools: survey by questionnaires
applied to parents, semi-structured interview with the school's policy team, unsystematic
observation of the teacher and students and implementation of activities evaluation with
students to identify the route. The survey was conducted using four methodological
tools: survey by questionnaires applied to parents, semi-structured interview with the
school's policy team, unsystematic observation of the teacher and students and
implementation of activities evaluation with students to identify the route. Through data
collection, selected the most obvious strategies for the preparation of the analysis that
was organized on the basis of the analysis of the questionnaires, which focused on
encouraging and monitoring the parents in the educational life of the children, the
interviews with the policy team as the actions of the school, the teaching methodologies
by checking if there is differentiation to meet different levels of writing and reading of
the children in the process of literacy, as well as priority in serving students with learning
difficulties and ending with the testagens to verification of the double course in reading.
22 students participated in the testing of single words proposed by Salles and relatives
(2002). On completion of the survey, the result of the analysis allowed us to the
following opinion: testing of isolated words in reading aloud enabled us to assess the
accuracy of the reading, and the characteristics of the words to set the route in reading
by the students. The four levels of learning identified in the class, was found using both
routes the students, being most evident predominance of the phonological route in
syllabic, alphabetic level students as well as the predominance of lexical route in
alphabetic level students.
- TID:202424200
Dificuldades de aprendizagem na leitura e na escrita no 3º ano do ensino fundamental
Silveira, M. D. G. D. (Author). 2019
Student thesis: Master's Thesis