Designing inclusive board games
: game designers' strategies, challenges, and perspectives

  • Joana Mourato Sardinha Figueiredo de Barros

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This research explores inclusive design in board games, focusing on enhancing accessibility for
diverse groups, including individuals with disabilities, children, and older adults. Despite
advancements in digital game accessibility, physical board games often lack comprehensive guidelines
for inclusive design. This study addresses this gap by examining the perceptions, methodologies, and
challenges faced by board game designers in integrating accessibility features.
The research involved qualitative analysis of interviews with twenty-six designers from various
countries, ages, genders, and experience levels. These interviews were recorded, transcribed, and
systematically coded to identify recurring themes and insights related to inclusive board game design.
Key findings highlight several crucial aspects of accessibility: visual, cognitive, emotional,
socioeconomic, and intersectional. Designers emphasised clear rules, visual aids, tactile elements, and
adaptable game mechanics to cater to diverse player needs. However, challenges such as high
production costs, balancing inclusivity with gameplay integrity, and market resistance remain
These findings provide designers with a roadmap for integrating accessibility into game design,
enhancing inclusivity and enjoyment for all players. Game publishers and developers can use these
insights to advocate for industry-wide accessibility standards, while policymakers and advocacy
organisations can promote a more inclusive gaming culture and foster awareness of accessible design.
Keywords: Board Games, Game Design, Accessibility, Board Game Designers, Inclusive Design
Date of Award2024
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorCarla Patrícia Gonçalves e Sousa Mira (Supervisor)



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