Consciência fonológica e leitura : uma análise da prática docente nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental

  • Maria da Glória Novais Silva Benfica

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Research developed in the area of cognitive science has demonstrated the importance of phonological awareness to promote success in reading learning. There are also pedagogical intervention programs aimed at developing these skills for reading learning, including in students with acquisition difficulties. Based on these assumptions, and considering the number of students who reach ten or twelve years and can not learn to read, the present study analyzed whether phonological awareness is inserted at some point in the pedagogical practices of public school literacy teachers in Porto Seguro, as well as identifying the elements that are used for the reflexive use of this segmentation capacity. The research was carried out in three public schools, and participated in the study 14 teachers of both sexes, of distinct groups, specifically 7 teachers of the 1st year and 7 teachers of the 2nd year. The data of the research were collected through the direct observation grid, with follow-up of the classes in directed class, analysis of the weekly plan and through a questionnaire with questions related to the theme, such as what the literacy teachers think about the importance of phonological awareness in the acquisition process if it is explored in the first two years of elementary school if the elements that stimulate this ability to segmentation in practice provide its development. This questionnaire was analyzed and discussed in relation to the theoretical framework. Results showed that some literacy teachers have been able to conceptualize phonological awareness, but in a wide way, since most are unaware of the levels of the same and do not know how to use it in the different phases of reading, in order to achieve advances to the next phases. It is also noticed that the development of these abilities is seen as important for the learning of reading, since they explore them in daily activities of the pedagogical practice, however this is done superficially, without exploring properly. It was also demonstrated that the students of literacy teachers who stimulated the use of consistent syllabic and phonemic awareness presented better results in the assessments used in their activity books, such as: writing and writing in their own way. Therefore, it is necessary to promote training with a theoretical basis, exploring the different levels of phonological awareness appropriate to each age and reading stage, in order to promote significant advances. Clear objectives are also needed, aiming at the promotion of activities and strategies that are facilitative and support the literacy practice.
Date of Award2018
Original languagePortuguese
SupervisorOSCAR CONCEIÇÃO DE SOUSA (Supervisor)


  • TID:201983435

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