Concepções e práticas dos professores de ciências nas escolas estaduais de um município pernambucano

  • Roberta Saraiva Batista e Silva Medeiros

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


There is a moment of great changes in our society, where these reflect directly in the educational systems. The implementation of the new demands due to the new paradigms of knowledge imply needs related to public education policies, curricular practices and daily pedagogical practices of the school institution. The enactment of the Laws of National Education Guidelines and bases Law number 4.024 / 61 and Law number 5.692 | 71 represented a great landmark for teaching science in Brazil, ensuring and guaranteeing teaching in all the first grade grades. The objective of the present study was to analyze the importance attributed to the Teaching based on the Scientific Knowledge by the Natural Sciences teachers (6 to 9 years), of the public schools of basic education of the municipality of Moreilândia at Pernambuco, specifying how their practices are in agreement With this premise. It is a field research, of a descriptive and qualitative nature. The sample involved 11 teachers, aged between 25 and 45 years (Mean = 34.7; Standard Deviation = 5,314). The research was carried out in three Elementary Schools of the State network of a Municipality of Pernambuco, Brazil. As a tool the questionnaire and documentary analysis were used. The answers were organized in 5 categories: Theoretical Conceptions on the teaching of Sciences; Pedagogical Practice and Planning; Construction and valorization of Scientific Knowledge; Curricular Adequacy and Teacher Training. It was noticed a concern of the teachers and managers in developing the work with projects according to the transversal themes and, with problems directed to the community, that aim at an improvement in the behavior with respect to the preservation of the common public patrimony.
Date of Award2018
Original languagePortuguese
SupervisorDulce Franco (Supervisor)


  • TID:202040976

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