Orthographic competence is increasingly one among the school's main objectives of man's preparation for social and economic life and, consequently, one of the greatest challenges. Today orthographic competence undoubtedly is one of the necessary conditions for the integration and acceptance of an individual in society. This time, the concern for its acquisition is a growing reality of today's societies. It is not uncommon to hear complaints from teachers, parents and carers and society at large about the lack or poor spelling skills of our students. Thus, it is essential for all those who directly or indirectly deal, live, teach and / or work with school education on a daily basis, not only to recognize the importance of developing spelling skills, but also to understand the specific processes. Related to its acquisition, the development of more adequate methodologies for its teaching, the specific formation of Portuguese Language teachers so that the improvement of the students' orthographic competence during the schooling period may be increasingly promoted. Thus be provided with sufficient tools for their full academic and social development. The present study aims, among other things, to study the spelling proficiency of pupils in the 6th and 9th grades of primary and upper secondary education, respectively, to analyse and categorize the spelling the types of mistakes they make. The results show that, in fact, there is a great evolution of students' spelling competence as they move from lower to upper classes. That is, that students in 9th grade improve their spelling competence when compared with the 6th grade and that regardless of the difference in educational level and the amount of errors made between the two groups, from a qualitative standpoint, there is a common tendency between subjects in the 6th and 9th grades of making the same types of mistakes. We can conclude that both groups use the same strategies when transcribing certain words, although some atypical particularities are evidenced, which are not expected in 9th grade.
Keywords: Spelling skills; Spelling errors; Types of errors; Cognitive Processes.
- TID:202413349
Competências ortográficas de alunos da 6ª classe do ensino primário e da 9ª classe do I ciclo do ensino secundário
Simile, G. V. R. (Author). 2020
Student thesis: Master's Thesis