Purpose. The purpose of the present study was to analyze the relationship
between two group classes (class of resistant training and class of mind and body) and
well-being variables, as well as comparing the mindset manipulation effects in different
group classes in well-being variables.
Method. Initially it was developed a systematic literature review based on
experimental and non-experimental studies about the association between the physical
activity and adult people well-being (between 18 and 65 years), of bouth sexes. The
articles research was done by three online data bases - SPORTDiscus, PsycINFO and
PubMed, and some articles has been found by manual research. The articles collect
happened between january 29th and april 10th, 2018, with PICO model reference. In a
second stage was realized a experimental study with a 60 participants sample of a
medium/large dimension in central Lisbon. Emotional and motivational regulation
variables was rate by some questionnaiares. It was realized a descriptive analysis, were
used independent sample T tests and paired sample T tests. Normality analysis were
used in the beginning of statistic analysis, by using Shapiro-Wilk test. Also were
analyzed Levene homogeneity tests on independent sample analyzes.
Results. In the systematic literature review was founded 22 articles, and after
integral reading, were included 16 articles, referring the relationship between physical
activity and well-being, all of them with associations between physical activity and
well-being improvements.
In the second study, in which it was intended to check if the midset
manipulation will show well-being higher values than bennefits just known by physical
activity practice, the results didn´t confirm the inicial hypothesis that the mindset
manipulation will contribute to higher well-being perceptions than no manipulation
Conclusion. Although scientific evidence shows that physical activity
contributes to higher well-being in emotional reponse of participants, it didn´t confirm
the initial hypotesis that these values will be higher by a participants manipulation in
both group classes (resistent trainning and mind & body).
- TID:202212858
Atividade física e bem-estar : um estudo de caso em adultos praticantes de aulas de grupo
Pedro, B. M. D. S. (Author). 2018
Student thesis: Master's Thesis