As Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação na Prática Pedagógica : Concepções de Professores e Alunos de uma Escola de São Gonçalo, RJ

  • André Félix da Silva

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This study investigates, the conceptions of teachers and students, how the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) may be used as a means of learning in the classroom. Through literature review, presents the history of the pedagogical use of ICT in Brazil. One qualitative and quantitative research with teachers (interviews) and students (questionnaire) their effects on learning was performed to analyze which sound their views on the use of ICT in the classroom and. Checked with the analysis of the interviews and questionnaires to students that the use of ICT is an excellent way to become more dynamic and more participative class. Students end up having a multidisciplinary learning. With technology as the basis for conducting research and the search for knowledge. Moreover, with the help of the teachers alumos can make comparisons between digital content used in day by day with that taught in the classroom. Teachers advocate the use of ICT in the classroom and consider that there are more benefits than traditional classes. Many teachers argue that there should be more training in order to have a higher quality in the application of new resources in the classroom. Similarly teachers report that can not be achieved using ICT because there must also be an addition to the presentation of the content in more detail by the teacher.
Date of Award2016
Original languagePortuguese
SupervisorMANUEL TAVARES GOMES (Supervisor) & Dulce Franco (Supervisor)


  • TID:201250039

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