As tecnologias de informação e comunicação na escola e a formação digital dos docentes: novos desafios para o educador

  • Edilma Silva Santos

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The main purpose of this work was to investigate the application of information and communication technologies (TIC) inthree municipal schools of Areia Branca/SE and its utilization in the digital process of teachers’ training, facing the new challenges that place the current society. Regarding the qualitative and quantitative methodology used, a questionnaire was applied to 12 teachers, an interview with three principals of the schools and an interview with the municipal manager, aiming to uncover which competences the teachers have in the field of TIC use at school. The obtained results reveal, in fact, an approach to the many authors’ thoughts who wrote about the topic and about the teachers’ training. In this context, the application of TIC at school and in the digital teachers’ training should be rethought as a new challenge for a practice in the current society. It is still evident that the existence of the digital training program, ProInfo, in the county is not applied in all schools. This circumstance demands to the school the necessity of debate all over again the education teachers’ training, considering the information transmission speed in the knowledge society, in order to enable to the students an education which compete to an effective citizenry. Therefore, it was reflected about the changes which elicit questions related to the posture of any professional and, specially, the professional of education face his/her commitment with his/her students and the society that he/she belongs.
Date of Award2018
Original languagePortuguese
SupervisorMarcos António da Silva (Supervisor) & Dulce Franco (Supervisor)


  • TID:201987066

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