Aprendendo.com: o papel dos tablets na aprendizagem um olhar sobre o espaço escolar

  • Maria Isabella Barbosa da Costa Felipe

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The sociotechnical context opened for the Technologies of Information and Communication (ICT) shows new demands for daily life, representing different ways to deal with this knowledge as well as interpersonal relationships and communication. As a way to respond this context, the individual included in it is surrounded by tools which permit a larger immersion in this universe. Among them it is highlighted the tablet computer, included at Brazilian schools whose aim is to make them more technological and adapted to their needs. However, this insertion has disturbed teachers, causing conflicts and for this reason, it has been questioned. This time, the main aim of this investigation is to examine the role of tablets at the learning process of high school students, in teaching and student perspectives. Therefore, it has considered the theoretical categories ICT, learning and pedagogical practice. In the study achievement it was applied a quantitative and qualitative methodological approach, having as techniques data collect and an application of an adapted and directed questionnaire to students of two public schools as well as an interview to teachers from both schools. The treatments of quantitative data, were performed by one SPSS and the qualitative data through speech analysis. The results have shown the coincidence between the perspectives of the investigated groups and both schools. The lack of access to tablets for the teachers and their qualification to use this technology has made it difficult in their educational context and this is perceived and pointed for them and students as well. Regarding the use of tablets for the students, they have said that they do not use them as they should but they have been a support for their learning out of the school environment. This result doesn´t consist with the teaching perspective, considering that for the teachers, the students use the tablets just for leisure and not for learning. For this reason, this has been seen as an obstacle to their learning in the classroom. However, both groups agree that the tablet is potentially viable for its use in education contributing to the development of students´s learning.
Date of Award2016
Original languagePortuguese
SupervisorDulce Franco (Supervisor)


  • TID:201329514

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