From the perspective of inclusive education, special education became part of the
pedagogical proposal of the regular school, seeking to meet the special educational
needs of students with disabilities, global developmental disorders and high
abilities/giftedness. In these cases and others, which imply specific functional
disorders, special education must act in conjunction with common education, guiding
them to meet the special educational needs of these students. The general objective
of this research was to analyze how the process of inclusive education takes place in
two schools called "A and B" of the municipal education system in the eastern zone
of the city of Manaus - Amazonas - Brazil, verifying the entire process of literacy for
students with special needs, when it comes to the development and socialization of
students with typical and atypical autism or with asperger syndrome. We used
descriptive field research as a methodology with a qualitative approach. The results
showed that currently the method used in the municipal education system in the East
Zone of the City of Manaus has been mixed (analytical and synthetic), with studies
already proving its effectiveness with special or non-special students. However, there
are always exceptions. There are cases of students who become literate by other
methods, whether they are ideovisual literacy, which have particular characteristics
different from the phonic method. Everything will depend on the characteristics of
each student and the method will always be chosen according to the student's
characteristics and needs, not having an imposing character. And that in the modality
of literacy and education of children, youth and adults and professional education,
special education actions should promote and enable the expansion of schooling
opportunities, training for entry into the world of work, effective inclusion and social
participation, avoiding and minimizing segregation through the educational
socialization process.
- TID:203157060
Albabetização e letramento de alunos autistas e asperger da rede municipal de ensino da zona leste de Manaus/AM o que pensam os professores do ensino fundamental
Barroso, B. C. (Author). 2022
Student thesis: Master's Thesis