A utilização da internet como ferramenta de contribuição para aprendizagem na escola pública e privada em Campina Grande-PB

  • Maria de Fátima Morais de Souza

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This Dissertation consists on a review to the new technologies access, with the Internet’s for the educational process improvement, analyzing one public and one private school in the city of Campina Grande-PB. For this purpose we support us in Freire's theories (1997), Moran (2001), Tarja (2002) Demo (2009), and others seeking to understand the relation between society, education and technology. With this setting in mind, the objective is to verify whether there are, effectively, direct contributions from the Internet usage to the learning process and how it is being offered at the public and private learning system. The methodology is quantitative, using the comparative and systematic observation method, by submitting questionnaires to 8th graders and high school teachers. The obtained results indicate a significant difference between schools regarding the use of the Internet, the socioeconomic conditions of the students and ICTs access, which results in different outcomes as learning through the Internet, since the contact with this tool and other technologies at a school differ extremely from the contact at an home environment. The survey confirms that there is a direct contribution from the Internet in the teaching learning process at the private school, where all the conditions and instruments are available to students and teachers, however, the lack of resources and the sporadic presence of the Internet, at the public school, does not allow the usage of this tool as a learning mechanism.
Date of Award2016
Original languagePortuguese
SupervisorRoberto Jarry Richardson (Supervisor) & Dulce Franco (Supervisor)


  • TID:201329506

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