A relação entre a cor e o perfil da personalidade: estratégias de orientação vocacional para um ensino artístico de excelência - um estudo com jovens entre os 16 e os 20 anos de idade

  • Patrícia de Mendonça Quintino

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Color influences us in much of our surroundings. It’s used in advertising, marketing, interior decoration and even in medicine. Color is therefore essential to our experience as full human beings. There are several studies that show us that personality and its psychological functions guide the way we think, act and develop certain patterns of behavior. While knowing that there are risks and limitations associated with categorizing people, the four-color type formula, a personality profile system created by Max Lüscher (1969), to categorize four basic learning styles to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each personality type. In addition to the reading of the book by the north american physician and researcher Carol Ritberger (2009) "The Color of Your Personality", while continuing to study the personality profiles associated with the four colors system, a number of questions were raised and researched to identify vocational patterns in order to guide adolescents in choosing their area of study, trying to combat school failure and demotivation that have been verified over decades of teaching young people and adults, who, having chosen a field of study, later verify that it was an incorrect choice, not identifying with it, and creating either demotivation school and professional, or the need to restart the study cycle. Therefore, a school-based survey, based on the Personality Color Indicator Test (ICP), where the students could choose sentences designated as A, B, C and D answers, which would determine the personality color type. This survey was conducted on 69 male and female students (59% female and 41% male), 17 years medium age, attending each area of the 12th year of secondary education (Science and Technology, Socioeconomic Sciences, Languages and Humanities and Visual Arts), in the 2018/2019 school year. The inquiry was part of the research under the master’s degree that the researcher is conducting, to complete her professional teacher training. This study aimed to delineate the differences in the vocational standards of students who choose different areas of study, aiming to provide them with a reliable vocational guidance and encourage the motivation and their personal fulfillment. The aim of the study was also to provide a better understanding of the students' profile in each area and become a structural tool for how students are approached and led, to explore their natural talents, strengths and abilities, through psychotechnical tests performed at the beginning of secondary school cycle. We have tried with this research to build valuable knowledge regarding the understanding of differences between students, and to further identify the needs of specific pedagogical resources required for excellent learning in arts education at primary and secondary levels. In the empirical part it was possible to verify the differences and similarities between groups of different study areas, being young students of the same age group, such as, the possibility to have a closer view of the personality profiles of adolescent students in the various school areas, as well as some of their ethical and moral values, motivations, among other characteristics, although this study is a small sample of the national overview. Conclusively, a comparison was made between area classes, so that it would be possible to observe and analyze more clearly the differences in personality profiles among the young students of the four study areas. It was verified that the four classes had a majority of green personality profiles, while the Languages and Humanities and Socioeconomic Sciences classes had values close to orange personality profiles and, the Science and Technology and Visual Arts classes had the same profile values of yellow personality color. The red color personality profile was verified in all classes, showing the same value for all, except for the class of Socioeconomic Sciences, which revealed a lower value of this personality type.
Date of Award2019
Original languagePortuguese
SupervisorOSCAR CONCEIÇÃO DE SOUSA (Supervisor)


  • TID:202461092

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