A prática da leitura no ensino fundamental : uma abordagem à luz das novas concepções do ensino de língua portuguesa

  • José Carlos Alves do Nascimento

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This present research work talks about the reading’s practice in the class of stage 5th of the elementary school of the Colégio Estadual Manuel Bonfim, in Arauá city, in Sergipe state. The central objective is analyze how is the reading’s practice in the classroom, taking as guiding premise the new conceptions of teaching of Portuguese language. The reasoning in the investigative process is based, among other authors, Bakhitin (1981, 1997, 1999, 2002); Cartier (2001), Parâmetros Currculares Nacionais [PCNs] de Língua Portuguesa (1997, 1998); Koch (2008, 2012). The methodological process is guided bibliographic research and field research, taking as investigative tools the questionnaire and direct observation. To compare the theoretical framing data collected, it is shown that the teaching of reading, strategies developed by teacher in the classroom doesn’t meet the requirement for the formation of the competent reader, as advocated in the new guidelines of the Portuguese language teaching. This because isn’t admitted more the formation of the reader decoder only, passive, having no participation in the act of receiving of the text. It seems likely, then, that the theoretical frameworks aren’t operationalized in the practice of classroom.
Date of Award2014
Original languagePortuguese
SupervisorMaria Neves Leal Gonçalves (Supervisor)


  • TID:201252449

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