Studies have suggested that environmental factors and family attitude in the family and parental attitudes are significant predictors of the presence of diseases and psychosomatic symptoms in children. These cross-sectional studies, Study 1 and 2, examined how the environment and family attitudes exert this influence on the health of children. Were applied FES, CSI-24, PSI-Life’s Stress scales, the survey APAD (in development), a demographic questionnaire and a questionnaire on psychosomatic diseases. Participants in Study 1 (n=100) were parents of students from two public schools in Porto, which also originated the sample for Study 2 (n=19). In Study 1, several factors showed association with psychosomatic manifestations, including life events such as: the number of marriages, the death of a close family member, the entry into a new job, changing of a person’s family at home, marital separation, psychiatric illness, or characteristics of the family environment as family conflict, organization, control, achievement orientation and cohesion. In Study 2, exploratory analyzes were conducted on divorced parents, on environment factors and psychosomatic manifestations. Additionally, we conducted some exploratory analysis on the validity of the instrument APAD. Findings suggested that some socio-environmental factors and some parental attitudes influence the manifestation of diseases and psychosomatic symptoms in children.
A influência do ambiente e das atitudes familiares nas manifestações psicossomáticas dos filhos
Lima, G. K. M. (Author). 2012
Student thesis: Master's Thesis